Tabatas:30sec, 10 sec rest, 8 rounds each:
flutter kicks
sit-ups with 10 & 12 lb. medicine balls
woodchoppers w/ 10/12 lb. med. Llz
medicine ball throw w/10 lb.
parallellets/push-ups (4 rnds each)
squats/lunges (4 rnds each)
Feeling a bit spent & wobble-legged in a good way. I'm going to count Tuesday kung fu as one of my workouts for the week. I'll workout either Saturday or Sunday--should we meet up again or just go solo?
I'm feeling it as well. Hey on Tuesdays while Wyth (hopefully I got the spelling right) is at class do you want to practice Katas out back?
ReplyDeleteI try to workout both Saturday and Sunday at home but if you want to meet up I'm game. I'm not sure of a time ATM but I could work something in.
I will be leaving Tuesday for the Rio Grande Valley so I don't think I'll be able to make THIS Tuesday but, yes, other Tuesdays that might work. It's Wyeth, BTW, like the family of New England painters.
ReplyDeleteI'll keep in touch over the weekend and see if something might work out.
I figure it would be played by ear. Life is like that. :)
ReplyDeleteWyeth is a family of painters? I had no clue. To artsy for me. Now if it was more geek related I would have gotten it. :)
BTW, are you sore as hell today? I not crippled like the leg destroyer but I can feel it.
The Wyeths were a famous family of painters and illustrators. The name is basically a form of Wyatt.
ReplyDeleteThe soreness is beginning to hit me but it'll peak tomorrow morning. Sore is good ;-)