Saturday, May 22, 2010

100 WOD revisited

Back in action after a good kung fu Sat. a.m. class.  I do appreciate Master Joe's teaching style after many weeks with others.

100 dbl unders (2:38)
100 squats (2:38)
100 push-ups (4:27)
100 sit-ups (5:18)

total time 15:01  Felt like vomiting afterward and rather disappointed to see an INCREASE in time over last week's.  Situps are usually a relative breeze but, at the end, they were a bear and I had to take several breaks.

With my new eyesight, I can see the look of anguish on my face so much better in the mirror!

1 comment:

  1. I have to try this when I don't get up at 8am to work-out...
