Saturday, June 19, 2010

This is SPARTA! WoD

I’ve been doing a lot of Tabita’s lately and wanted to mix it up a bit.  The main reason I came up with this WoD is the Blog post title.  I’ve been dying to post it for a while and I finally decied to today as the day.  So this Spartan Work out was:

Warm Up: Stretching followed by 5 Jump mins of Jump Rope

·         100 Push-ups – 4:36
·         100 Sit-ups – 3:01
·         100 Squats  - (I forgot to hit the lap timer and I too tired to calculate the time)

Total Time: 13:16

Cool down: Tai Chi 64, Pau Qua (1-6) and Buddha fist x3.. the leg lift really sucked!
I’m a bit disappointed on the time.  I really need to shave some time off.


  1. Good to do something other than tabatas, huh? Your situp time's impressive but I do think you'll be able to improve on the others significantly in the coming weeks.

    Good class this morning with Master Joe and I've arranged with Ben to do some private lessons to get me caught up on spears. I'll feel so much better if I'm not lamely imitating/stumbling my way through.

    If you're using the timer on your iPhone clock, it will give you your last lap time on the top portion of the screen when you hit stop. For some reason they don't put it down with the other lap times but it is next to your total time on the top screen.

    tuesday's probably not going to work out this week but I can do all the other days. I'm thinking Monday and Thursday in the dungeon.

  2. Situps were the only thing I powered though with out taking a break. By the time I hit 50 squats I was feeling it and slowed down way to much.

    That's pretty cool about the private lessons. I'm soo far behind and have such limited time I pretty much given up on Kung Fu.

    I did not notice that about the iPhone app. I'll take a look at it next time.

    I can't do it Monday but yo are on for Thursday.
