Friday, May 27, 2011

Backlot WOD

Due to a private lesson it was out to the lot for our workout:

20 minutes to complete 40-30-20-10 of
  1. twists w/ 10# medicine ball
  2. 40# push-press (40's a lot)
  3. "box" jump
  4. pushups
Did some medicine ball toss afterward and warmed down with pa qua 1-7

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Duesy Tabata Tuesday

Big one today but it felt good.  Warm ups:  a little jump ropin for Lucas, 130 pushups for David (go!)

20/10 x 8 tabatas:

  1. V-ups
  2. arm sets
  3. medicine ball slam
  4. partner situps
  5. arms sets #2
  6. Burpees
  7. Blasters
Yes, that's SEVEN sets....

Warm down with 8 minutes of medicine ball throw/back-to-back pass and some pa qua.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

AMRAP Thursday returneth

Very challenging workout today.  Methinks we'll be a bit more sore than usual after this one.

warm up with jumprope then:

AMRAP for 20 minutes: 
  • V-ups: David 45, Lucas 33
  • Blast offs (lateral jump over medicine ball) David 46, Lucas 55
  • 45-50# push press 28/35
  • Knealing wheel rollouts: 59/48
  • Pushups: 45/71
  • Rockets: 23/39
Totals:  David 246, Lucas 281 (Phil was present but did not count, as usual)

Warm down with alternating 1-minute rounds of medicine ball back-to-back pass and medicine ball throws; total of six minutes and then some pa qua...

I think that may be the perfect AMRAP workout.  I couldn't blast out the ab stuff like usual, there were explosive exercises (rockets, v-ups, blast offs) and power exercises.  I like that I "won" certain exercises and David took others.    Good stuff!  I'm very tired. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New sweat, if not new blood

Well, no sign of Bryan and stalwart Phil was missing too.  We got an early start with some jumprope for about 5 minutes but then TALKED about working out for at least ten minutes.  for a good cause, however, as we introduced some new things from Never Gymless

Basic tabatas, :20/:10 x 8, but with some new stuff (not necessarily in this order):

  1. parallelets
  2. v-ups (ouch)
  3. lateral jumps over the big medicine ball (ouch)
  4. push press with 40# + bar
  5. leg exercises on the bench (don't know what those are called)
  6. grasshoppers
Follow up with 5 minutes of medicine ball (Rick joined in) and some pa qau.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

50-40-30-20-10 Saturday

I'm feeling good after our big thursday workout so I'm back at another intense workout on Saturday.

Warmed up with 5 min. of jumprope and then the descending ladders of:
pushups, bicycles, woodchoppers, and twists (latter two with ten pound ball)
Clocked in right at 20 min. and felt thoroughly spent afterward.

Did spear one and two and then went over 4-8 staff. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Seeking (and finding) limits

We lacked Bryan but had four for the first time in at least three weeks (as far as I know, anyway).  So good to have the crew in action.

My workout proved to be a little overambitious (again) but I don't really have a problem with that.  It's good to push to your limits, methinks.  The only correction I would add would be to set a time limit.  Anyway, here's what I prescribed:

5 min of jumprope (or weight work for legs for those with tender footsies)
100 bicycles
100 squats or lunges
50 pushups
25 kettlebell lifts
25 push press w/45 pounds
25 burpees
50 twists (I forgot the prescription and did 25)

I prescribed 5 min. of medicine ball toss but we must have missed the timer 'cuz we did that for at least 8-10 min. total.

Warm down with some pa qua.  I thought it was a good workout but, yes, challenging.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Slackers one and all.

Well everyone must be a lazy bum.  Except for Phil no one else showed up for some exercise. That did not stop us from doing a WoD.  I will whip the others in to shape next time.  I think I will will come up with something special. Since my arms were still hurting from the 100 push ups I focused on Legs/core today.  Here was the the WoD.

Warm up: 5 min Jump rope and 200 20 lbs Leg lifts.

Tabitas (8 Rounds 20 secs/10 secs rest):

  • Flutter kicks
  • Lunges
  • 12lbs Medi-ball Twists
  • Squats
  • Rockets
  • 12lbs Medi- Ball toss
Cool down: Pau qua Sections 1-6, Tai chi 64 and Tai chi 24.

We also have a new member who has not started yet: Bryan. Welcome aboard! Massive amounts of pain awaits you.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

100 Pushups

A while back I got an app to help m get to a 100 GOOD pushups in one shoot.  I got to doing about 48 in a shoot then real life  throw me a curve ball and I stopped.  Well I'm going to try it again. Instead of posting the progress here I'm just going to tweet them since i'm going to attempt to do them 2/3 times a week besides our regular WoD.  To give you a general idea on this is what I did today:

The rounds consisted of 15 19 15 15 20 reps with 60 secs of rest for a total of 100 Pushups.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Abtastic WoD

Time to bust that gut!  Since someone was slacking *cough* Lucas *cough* I want to focus and a single flabby part.  The Abs or core. It was an interesting challenge to come up with this WoD (Lucas did help) but it was harder doing it.  I have a feeling I'm going to be hurting in the morning.  Anywhooo here is the WoD.

5min Jump rope warm up

Tabitas (8 Rounds 20secs 10 secs rest):

  • Flutter Kick... It's been awhile..
  • Rockets
  • 12/10lbs Medi-Ball Twists
  • 12/10lbs Medi-Ball Toe touch
  • Bicycles
  • 12/10lbs Medi-Ball Partner Sit-ups
Pau Qua Sections 1-6 cool down.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Revenge of the Burpies

After having an awsome week of in Sedona AZ I come back to find out Lucas skipped running our WoD.  The others were disappointed and got flabby. So its time to level up the WoD! FLAB BE gone!  Yesterday's WoD consisted of:

5min Jump rope warm up

Tabitas (8 Rounds 20secs 10 secs rest):

  • Pushups (Normal, One Handed, Wide and Diamond)
  • 12/10lbs Medi Ball Twits - as a side note we should start meeting at the lake and go rowing...
  • Rockets - I love/hate theses things.
  • Arm-er-size - Kettle Bell, Push Pulls and Swimmers
  • Burpies - oh how I missed you. Your evil twin rockets missed you as well.
  • 12/10lbs Ball Toss
Pau Qua Sections 1-6 cool down

May the Fourth be with you!