Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Uninspired but perspired WOD

I didn't feel real excited about working out but I had to get it done so I resorted to tabatas but I tried to make them as intense as possible.  It's amazing how that can lift your energy.  I'm tired but in a spent kind of way rather than a saggin kind of way.  :20/:10 x 8
  1. bicycles
  2. burpees
  3. dbl unders (as much as possible)
  4. Hindu squats
  5. 40# push-pull
  6. twists w/20# for two rnds and then down to 10# 'cuz that was just too heavy
  7. mountain climbers
  8. lunges with 20#

1 comment:

  1. Good work keeping the faith!

    I tried you 50-40... Etc but ran out of time on Tuesday.
