Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Armanda" WOD

Heh heh, cause, you know, we used our arms a lot in this one... 

Wow, I'm really tired after an hour learning first spear at 11 and then returning at 5 to workout for another hour+.

Here's what we did:

5-6 min. jump rope to warm up (accidentally paused the timer)
1 min. round x4 each punch the glove-y thingies
1 min. round x2 each kicking the bag

:25/:12 x 8
  1. medicine ball throw
  2. arm 1 (various)
  3. twists
  4. side lunges
  5. arm 2
  6. bicycles
Some pa qua and some spear work to warm down. 

1 comment:

  1. Funny, for an arm-focused workout, my legs are what's sore today. Those side lunges didn't seem like they were doing much but I guess they were..
