Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Unpleasant Mt. Pleasant workout

Just your basic :24/:10 tabatas, with the exception of the first exercise I got from iFitness.  
  1. Figure 8, medicine ball crunch (6# med ball held b/n the knees and do a figure 8)
  2. Hindu squats 
  3. Arm1 (10# swimmers and 50# push-pull, ugh!)
  4. Twists w/ 10# medicine ball
  5. Side lunge (sorta like a bird leap to the side)
  6. Burpees
Warm up and warm down with with stationary bike in the fitness center...


1 comment:

  1. Way to go! I'm been sick for the last 3 days... and have the breathing capacity of a flea so no WoD for me.
