Friday, September 10, 2010

And then there were four…

Well this week’s Lucas and I had a little surprise.  While setting up the Dungeon for the WoD two other Tai Chi students asked us what we were doing. The answer: Tabitas.  After we told them what they were we invited them to join us.  They accepted the challenge but little did they know what they were getting in to.  Since we had to explain each exercise and we did not want to cripple the newbies we took it a little easy this week… besides Lucas has not had a Work Out in two weeks and was all wimpy. ;)

This week’s Tabita set (8 Rounds 20secs/10 secs rest):
  •          Flutter Kicks
  •           Lunges
  •           Arm 1 (Either 35lbs Push pulls, 35 Kettle bell, 10lb kettle bell or 20 lbs push pulls)
  •           Rows (with 12lbs, 10lbs or 6 lbs)
  •           Glove work (4 rounds of punches each)
  •           Arm 2  (Either 35lbs Push pulls, 35 Kettle bell, 10lb kettle bell or 20 lbs push pulls)
  •           Situps (4 rounds only)
  •           Push Ups (4 rounds only)

Cool Down Tai Chi 24 or 64 depending on the person.

All in all it was a good workout for the newbies.  Hopefully they will return next week. :)


  1. Thanks for posting, David. I forgot until the next morning and you'd already taken care of business. I don't know what my problem is. I guess I was distracted by the chana masala...
