Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Scarlett WOD

I named it Scarlett because today's WOD was hot, like....Nevermind. 

Warmed up, as if we needed to warm up, with some jumpropin' then on to :24/:12 x 8 tabatas of
  1. bicycles
  2. Arm 1
  3. squats (4 with the vest of doom)
  4. partner situps w/ medicine balls
  5. rockets
  6. pushups
  7. medicine ball slam
finish with some pa qua.


  1. Vest of doom has me very sore today. Actually I'm just sore all over from that workout. Ready for the return of "fight gone bad?" Notice that I added Ryon's blog to our links at left--peruse and see if there's anything you'd like to resurrect.
