Friday, April 23, 2010

A wench in the works

Since Lucas started this blog (A.K.A. Dude #1) after a conversation we had I figured I better post something for the entire world to see! By the entire world I mean us and anyone else to stumble upon it by mistake. I’ve been trying to ramp up my Tabita workouts to three times a week plus Kung Fu/Tai Chi and things were going well until getting sick tossed a wrench in the works. When you have the breathing capacity of a flea it’s hard to do any type of conditioning. I’m hoping to start back up tomorrow. Stay Tuned…


  1. Hope you're feeling (and breathing) better. Congrats on the Tai Chi advancement, BTW.

    My goal is to get working out at least 3X per week. I enjoy the flexibility/range-of-movement that kung fu offers and just basically enjoy jumping, kicking, etc, but I need more aerobic activity. I'm just letting go of any expectations as far as when I'll test to second degree to relieve that pressure and sense of falling behind. Just go to class and give it my best...

    I used to do a lot of cycling and I'm thinking about going back to that. Any thoughts? Ever done any cycling? I have a mtn bike and road bike (the latter needs some work, though).

    Wyeth is committed to second degree at least and I want to support him with that. I think he does better with the kids' class and it's a good social experience for him so Tuesdays at 5:30 he should be there. Don't know how to make the adult class at 7:30 on a regular basis.

    Anyway, 3X workouts may look like this: Dungeon workout Mon or Tues at 5:30, Thurs. 5:30 in dungeon or at home, Saturday either blackbelt class, free CrossFit class in Cedar Park or bike ride. I think we just need to look ahead to the next week and make a plan because, obviously, my schedule is all over the place.

    My hope is that this blog will hold us accountable so we don't slack off...

  2. I'm mostly back to normal but I still feel a little weak but it's not going to stop me now.

    Thanks for the Tai Chi grats! It's taking me forever. I should be way into Brown Sash by now but I keep getting distracted by life.

    I'm doing the same thing as you about Kung Fu. I'll go when I go and maybe someday I'll remember enough to be a second degree. I more into getting back in to shape and conditioning is better for that.

    I can understand the kids classes be better. They are also a lot less crowed than the Adult ones. Having only one Black Belt Class that I can really make it to a week is another reason things have slowed down for me.

    I would love to cycle with ya but I don't know how to ride a bike. I grew up in NYC and you were crazy to ride a bike. I do know how to play stick ball and beat up the bum though.

    3x worksout a week is what I'm aiming for as well well. Tues and Thursday for the Dungeon and Sat at home while my wife is still sleeping. :) I'm also thinking about Sifu Matt's Wednesday class and maybe a Kung Fu practice on Thursdays after Tai chi.

    Well the blog made me work out today. I know i needed to post and I could not post without a workout. :)


  3. Ah, good--I'm glad the blog made you work out. It will do the same for me and that, as I see it, is the main function of this.

    I can't believe you don't know how to ride a bike. Amazing how differently people can grow up in the same nation. I grew up in some of the best riding country in the eastern US (horse country of KY) although i didn't recognize that until I no longer lived there ("don't it always seem to go you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone"). I used to log 200 miles a week or more. Did a cycling tour of New Mexico for our honeymoon (not a good idea, though).

    Anyhoo, I'm just glad we're taking charge.
