Thursday, April 29, 2010

Benchmark workout

I like how we used to have a benchmark workout once a month so you could assess your improvement (or lack thereof).  Ultimately, I'd like to have two benchmarks; one done for time and one for reps (e.g. some form of "Fight Gone Bad") but the latter needs to be with a partner so I think we just find a date we can meet in the dungeon and do that together.

This one, for time, is one I'd like to do during the last week of the month.  I want it to be an intense, full-body, limit-pushing workout.  It involves no special equipment so it can be done at home, in a hotel room, or wherever one may be. 

(hang on, I have to eat a cookie...  What?  I'm gonna burn it off, right?)

Okay, I'm back.  So here's what I've drafted (I'm open to modifications and other ideas):

50-40-30-20-10 of the following:

Jump rope dbl unders (2x singles if you prefer)
Bicycles (left and right is ONE rep)
jumping lunges (the plyometric aspect of this increases the challenge and doesn't stress my knees like squats)
push-ups (we really need to find some other bodyweight exercise for arms besides push-ups, don't we).

Time on 4/29/10:  16:58, giving myself a B- for  form.  Lotta room for improvement...


  1. You throw down the gauntlet didn't you? While I helped Chris move you do this!

  2. Ha! Yes, sir tai-chi-a-lot, I challenge you to a jumprope joust!
