Sunday, April 25, 2010

I'm wanna be a bum WOD

Tabitas (30 Sec, 10 Sec rest, 8 reps):

Single Unders Jump Rope (with the Cadillac of Jump ropes)
Push ups
Single Under Jump Rope half-assed since I was tired (I might as well be honest).

Tai Chi 64 x3 as a cool down.

Now it's time to be a bum.


  1. Hope you're enjoying being a bum; it's a helluva day for it. I got on the bike and had a great time at Bull Creek greenbelt. What a place!!

    Mtn. biking doesn't give the "bell-to-bell" kind of workout road riding does and neither does much for the upper body but it was much better than doing nothing and I'm really trying to take advantage of this great weather while we have it.

    Gonna have to bump up my tabatas to 30 second rounds to keep up with you! This is working!

  2. I don't blame you for riding a Bike. If I knew how I would have done the same thing.

    Heh. 30 sec Tabitas are the bomb! The funny thing is I've been doing sets of 5 but when I saw you have been during sets of 6 I added another round. :)
