Thursday, June 30, 2011

AMRAP Thursday

Okay, we're just getting stronger, there's no doubt about that.  These things don't take it out of me nearly as bad as they used to.  Also, burning out takes longer so we each got about 2.5 total sets and since we started in different places, ended up with very different totals per exercise. 

Warmed up the the obligatory jumprope and then 20 minutes, as many reps as possible of
  • Blasters D79-L60
  • Rollouts D85-L59
  • Push-pres (65-70#) 18-20
  • V-ups 41-78
  • Rockets 23-39
  • Pushups 68-45

total David: 314, Lucas 301, an improvement for both so that's cool.

Warm down with pa qua 1-8, tai chi 64 and chen for David, spears for Lucas

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tai Chi Fight Gone Bad

Some rummaging Ryon's blog turned up a legendary workout that we decidede to revive.  Warmed up with some jump rope and then three rounds, AMRAP in one minute of:

  1. Squats: David 79, Lucas 112
  2. Situps:  70-92
  3. Kettlebell lift: 54-65
  4. 45# Push-press 28-46
  5. Burpees 22-28
  6. Rest
Totals: David 253; Lucas 343 (poor math earlier today). 

Finished off with some pa qua (I actually got through all 8 on my own) and Chen?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Scarlett WOD

I named it Scarlett because today's WOD was hot, like....Nevermind. 

Warmed up, as if we needed to warm up, with some jumpropin' then on to :24/:12 x 8 tabatas of
  1. bicycles
  2. Arm 1
  3. squats (4 with the vest of doom)
  4. partner situps w/ medicine balls
  5. rockets
  6. pushups
  7. medicine ball slam
finish with some pa qua.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

and then there was one...

I should have posted this last Thursday but I got so busy I zoned it out.  Besides since I was the only one to do this WoD motivation to post this was diminished. Anyway this is what I did so long ago in a galaxy so far, far away....

Warm up 5 mins of Jump Rope

Tabitas (22 Secs, 11 rest 8 rounds)

  • 12lbs Mediball Twists
  • Arm 1
  • 40lb weighted shirt Squats 
  • 12lb Mediball sit-ups
  • Push-ups
  • Blasters
Cool Down - 1/2 of Chen

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dynamic Duo

Well the small WoDs continue.  With both Lucas and Phil out of Town I thought I was going to do a solo WoD but John showed up.   Anyway here is today's WoD:

Warmups 5 mins of Jump Rope

Tabithas 22 Secs 11 rest  8 Rounds

  • Bicycles 
  • Arm 1
  • Squats w/ 40lb weight
  • Rockets/Burpies
  • Arm 2  
  • Blasters
Cool down: Pau Qua  1- 8

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Founders' AMRAP

Back to David and Lucas it appears for the time being.  I'm still sore from using the weight vest on lunges; that must be good for me.  I love the AMRAP workouts, sore or not. 

Started with some jumprope and, for David, pushups. 

Blasters D: 50-L: 62
Rollouts 80-56
Push-Press (60-65#) 23-25
V-ups 56-50
Rockets 30-42
Pushups 69-46

Totals 308 for David, 281 for Lucas

Warm-down with Tai Chi 64 and Pa Qua 1-6

Love it!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Forgotten workout from Tuesday 5/31

:24/:12 x 6 tabatas

Mtn climb
Wood choppers

Wonder twins

So it was just the two of us.  David was back after a week off and I was nursing a sprained wrist from last week but that didn't stop us.

David put me to shame with five minutes of jump rope and 150 pushups before I even showed up.  I did a little jump ropin' to warm up and then we did:

:20/10 x8 tabatas
  1. flutters
  2. medicine ball slams
  3. lunges (Lucas wore 40# vest)
  4. twists
  5. v-ups
  6. squats (David wore 40# vest)
  7. partner situps
Warm down with some pa qua (1-7.5) and tai chi 64

Wednesday, June 1, 2011