Thursday, December 30, 2010

David is a slacker WOD

Time to work out and where was David?  At the movies!  Phil and I worked very hard, I'll have you know.

We tried to think up some exercises that involved stretching.  Came up with straight leg kids, jade stances, stretchy situps and, well, stretching. 

I did 100 dbl unders, 100 situps and 100 pushups (for me, not David the slacker).  I also learned first spear today so I consider that a successful workout.  And I didn't even break the newly-replaced glass on my minivan either. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

dang tree tabatas

Do I really need to retell this for our "readers."  no...

I came all that way so I did what I came to do, despite the broken glass:

5 min of jump rope
the :20/:10 x8 of
  1. twists
  2. hindu squats
  3. arm 1
  4. mtn climbers
  5. medicine ball toe touches
  6. arm 2
warm down with tai chi...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Burpee Christmas to all, and to all a good squat

:20/:10, x8 tabatas

  1. jump rope
  2. bicycles
  3. burpees
  4. hindu squats
  5. twists w/ 10 & 12# medicine ball
  6. mtn climbers
  7. arm exercises
  8. lunges
warms down with pa qua and tai chi 24 led by tai chi master David.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Outdoors with ye, peons of shaolin WOD

Beautiful day so outside would have been my preference anyway but...

warm up with some jump rope then 100 of:

  • dbl unders (Lucas only, but did 2 minutes less on the warm-up).  Time was: 2:15
  • David did 5 mins of single under when his toes did not get in the way.
  • Situps:  Lucas' Time was 3:50 and David's was 4:00
  • Pushups (ugh): Lucas: 5:04 David: 4:29
  • Squats: Lucas 2:51 David (w/ the shoe leather knee) 3:29

Total time for Lucas was 14:00 and David was16:58 (w/ the Jump Rope).  Slower than previous times but the work got done.

Warm down with pa qua 1-4.

Friday, December 17, 2010

OMG Muscles!

Well yesterday's WoD ends with a funny story... but first:

100 Jumping Jacks Warm up It's dang cold out there.

Tabitas (8 rounds 25 secs/12 secs rest):

  • 12/10lbs Medicine Balls Twists
  • 12lbs Wood Choppers
  • Arm 1: (2x eam of 25lbs push pulls, 25 lbs kettle bell,  20lbs swimmers, 50lbs dead lifts)
  • 12/10lbs Medicine Balls Toe Touch (Yug! I hate you LUCAS!... in a good way :))
  • 12/10lbs Medicine Balls Throws
  • Arm 2: (2x eam of 25lbs push pulls, 25 lbs kettle bell,  20lbs swimmers, 50lbs dead lifts)
Cool Down of Yin Dagger or Pau Qua

Now for the funny story: My wife bumped into my arms/shoulders the other day and exclaimed: OMG! You have muscles!  I think she lies since I have the phenotype of Jabba the hut but at least someone else notices a difference.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

More name-that-food WOD

I'm a day late posting but below, to the best of my memory, is what we did.  The name that food game definitely made the intervals fly by. 

25/12 tabatas x 8 ('cept where noted)

Hindu squats
mountain climbers
medicine ball twists
medicine ball toe touches
Arm 1 (swimmers, 50# push-pull, 30# push pull, 1 pood kettlebell lift)
Arm 2 (another round makes four rounds of each of the above)

warm down with pa qua and tai chi 64

Friday, December 10, 2010

Food makes the Burpies go faster

Well I did two WoDs this week but since Lucas the Scribe was not there to record them and it's the holiday(i.e. hell) season I zoned out posting them.  I attempted to replicate Lucas' 50-40-30-20-10 WoD but due to time constraints all I was able to do was 3 rounds and they sucked but here they are:
  • 50 Round: 6:13
  • 40 Round: 5:43
  • 30 Round: 5:01
Cool down: Tai Chi 64, Pau Qua and Buddha Fist

Yep, those were the suck.

Yesterday's WoD was a standard Tabita set but Phil was with me.  He suggested to shout out a random food name when doing to burpies to make them go faster.  It worked but Burpies still suck.

Tabitias (8 rounds 25 sec/12 sec Rest):
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Lunges w/ 20lbs
  • Arm - two of: 25lb Push Pulls, Swimmers, Kettle Bell, 40lb (I think) dead lifts
  • Burpies - Yeay!
  • Twists with  12 or 10lbs Medline Balls
  • Push-ups/Jumping Jacks
Cool down - Pau Qua Section 3

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Uninspired but perspired WOD

I didn't feel real excited about working out but I had to get it done so I resorted to tabatas but I tried to make them as intense as possible.  It's amazing how that can lift your energy.  I'm tired but in a spent kind of way rather than a saggin kind of way.  :20/:10 x 8
  1. bicycles
  2. burpees
  3. dbl unders (as much as possible)
  4. Hindu squats
  5. 40# push-pull
  6. twists w/20# for two rnds and then down to 10# 'cuz that was just too heavy
  7. mountain climbers
  8. lunges with 20#

Monday, December 6, 2010


Texarkana, TX--Been awhile since I did one of these and it felt pretty good.  I do these workouts different than David:  50 of EACH exercise then 40 of each, then 30, etc.  David does 50 of the first exercise then 40 of the second then 30 of the third and rotates them so that he does each one 50 times, 40 times, etc.  That makes for more even round times but it is just way too complicated for my feeble brain...

started with 5 min of jump rope to warm up then did these exercises in this order:  push-ups, sit-ups, lunges with 20 lbs., dbl unders.

50 round:  5:53
40 round: 6:38
30 round: 4:59
20 round: 2:51
10 round:  1:20

total time of 21:41

Texted this to David this afternoon; did he follow suit?

Thursday, December 2, 2010


David's in charge for the day and here's what he came up with:

jump rope to warm up:  3 min/ 1 min. rest/ 2 min./30 sec rest/ 1 min.

30-20-10 for time:  twists, medicine ball toe-touches, sit-ups

Round 1:  37 (30 twists)-29 (20 toe-touches) -18 (10 situps)

24 (30 toe-touches)-43 (20 situps)-15 (10 twists)

:53L/1:06D (30 situps) /27 (20 twists) :17L/:12D (10 toe-touches)

Roughly the same for both David and Lucas (Phil doesn't care about times)--Lucas is faster on sit-ups and David is faster on med-ball toe-touches. 
Warm down with jump rope:  1 min, 2 min, 3 min
Pa Qua, 1, 2, 3 (more 3-2-1 stuff, I just realized)
This author thinks that the main workout needs to be lengthened for the times to really mean anything more exercises or just a total time.  It seemed like these rounds would take longer than they did.  Still a good workout, though, and great to be venturing beyond the tabatas which were getting tiresome.