Friday, August 24, 2012

Six Months later…

Well you might have noticed the lack of updates lately.  It’s not because we have stopped… it that a massive amount of bad karma came our way.  I have been laid off, had a family member die, got a new job and have another family member die in those six months.  This basically killed a lot of the WoDs and blogging motivation. Hopefully things will get better in the coming months but as of now its kinda lackluster.  This is what I have been trying to do on a daily basis:
  • 5 Min jump rope warm up
  • 30 Squats, sit-ups and pushups
  • Walk/Run at least 5 miles a day
I know it’s not much but I am trying to stay somewhat active. I also picked up a Fitbit to use as a motivator.  It does get me out of my chair at work. Sitting all day is bad.