Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Man-slayer WOD

Wow--I guess I've been neglecting my duties; there HAVE been other workouts this month but somehow they didn't get posted. 

There have also been missed workouts due to the holidays so I felt the need to make up for missed workout outs and excessive consumption of food and drink.  So I drafted a workout that turned out to be more than we could swallow:

Warm up with jumping rope then

Round 1--:20/:10 tabatas:
  1. flutter kicks
  2. kettlebell lift
  3. medicine ball twists
  4. squat with 25#
  5. Burpees
Round 2--17 minute (cough, cough) AMSAP, 10 each of:
  1. pushups
  2. rockouts
  3. rollouts
  4. blasters
  5. push-press w/ 45#
 In the end we had three exhausted middle-aged dudes and an unknown number of vaporized calories filling the dungeon atmosphere...

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